
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Get your GNU T-shirt

I have designed a GNU-shirt (Gnu T-shirt) and printed limited copies. Front side and back side printed with the GNU Mascot. (You can see the image of the T-shirt in this post.) The material thickness is 180 GSM and the printing process is Double Coated Rubber Printing. Medium / Large / Extra Large sizes available. Almost 30 pieces left right now. Anyone interested, please contact in the following numbers:
Thomas : 9946022032 | Sreekanth : 9895181906
The T-shirts available at Kadavanthra, Ernakulam.

Little Maria wearing the GNU shirt: Facebook album (Login required)
Gnu T-shirt front
Gnu T-shirt Back
Gnu T-shirt Front
Gnu T-shirt close
Little Maria wearing Gnu T-shirt Medium
Little Maria wearing Gnu T-shirt Medium
Little Maria wearing Gnu T-shirt Medium
Little Maria wearing Gnu T-shirt Medium
Little Maria wearing Gnu T-shirt Medium
Little Maria wearing Gnu T-shirt Medium
Little Maria wearing Gnu T-shirt Medium

Cost of Gnu T-shirt.

Many people call us from all over India. We are happy to send the T-shirt via courier service. If you want to have the T-shirt, please use the "contact" page and give us the details, i.e., desired size of the T-Shirt / how much quantity you want / by which way you are willing to pay cash / by which way you are willing to receive the parcel etc. Hope this will give both of us good clarity. Once we get your email, we will contact you via email instantly.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Tellico: A great collection manager

You may have lots of Audio/Video CDs, XviD/DivX Movies and music files in various media, photo albums, books etc. But when you need them actually, you may unable to locate them. At least you may take a long long time to locate the files. Always thought to manage such collections in a systematic way? If there would be some tools to manage it, life would have been so simple. Just open your pc, locate the media with a search parameter, send the search command right away and you get instant result, you collect the exact media from the upper most stack of your iron book shelf in a CD tin. Thats it. It took only 4 minutes.
Is it possible? I asked the question several times repeatedly and searched for it. Using apt-cache search and google search. May be my search keyword wasn't accurate enough, all the times I got wrong pages. But finally I reached the cute homepage of That’s it. Tellico. My long awaited collection manager. After getting Tellico, my life got smooth. Tellico makes it easy to track your books, videos, music and anything / everything else. A simple and intuitive interface shows cover images, groupings, and any detail you want. Grab information from many popular Internet sites, including,, and most libraries. Tellico is GPL licensed Free Software.
Tellico logo
The Tellico logo
Its intuitive user interface will help you to get a clear idea on how to use it. At present all my DVD videos, XVID videos, Video CDs, audio CDs are updated in Tellico and I am so satisfied using the software. Tellico is great.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter day calculation and some interesting things with ncal

Easter date is not constant. It changes every year. For several years I had no idea on how to calculate the Easter date in an year. If you could calculate when will be the Easter fall on an year you can easily get a brief idea about another related holidays like Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Holy Saturday, Good Friday, Easter Monday.
In Christian calendar the date of Easter has prime importance. The First Council of Nicaea established the date of Easter as the first Sunday after the full moon following the northern hemisphere's vernal equinox. According to the Catholic church, the equinox is on 21 March, and the "Full Moon" is not necessarily the astronomically correct date. The date of Easter therefore varies between 22 March and 25 April. Eastern Christianity bases its calculations on the Julian calendar whose 21 March corresponds, during the 21st century, to 3 April in the Gregorian calendar, in which the celebration of Easter therefore varies between 4 April and 8 May.
Sometime back I was checking the man page of ncal. The man page says “The cal utility displays a simple calendar in traditional format and ncal offers an alternative layout, more options and the date of easter.” Yes, you can calculate the easter day on AD 4012 now with this ncal utility. Just type the following command in the GNU/Linux console.
ncal -e 4012
In the next moment, ncal will tell you the result.
On 4012, Easter will be on 22 April 4012
And do you want to know when will be the orthodox Easter on the same day? The command has a little difference.
ncal -o 4012
The orthodox Easter on 4012 is on 6 May 4012
Want to look a weird calendar year according to the Gregorian system. Just look the calendar of 1752 calendar using cal command.
cal -y 1752

And just look on the month of September. Which day comes after September 2nd? Why? The answer will get from the man pages of cal. Type
man cal
Man page says "Assume the switch from Julian to Gregorian Calendar at the date associated with the country_code.  If not specified, ncal tries to guess the switch date from the local environment or falls back to September 2, 1752. This was when Great Britain and her colonies switched to the Gregorian Calendar"

That's the story of 1752 September. The smallest month in the Gregorian calendar system. But not all countries accepted Gregorian calendar system all of a sudden in one fine day. Some countries accepted it 1582, while some other countries accepted it centuries later. So how to find out when did Spain accepted Gregorian calendar system? Type the following command
ncal -p
Here is the result. Country code | Country name | Julian to Gregorian switch date.
 AL Albania        1912-11-30      IT Italy          1582-10-04
 AT Austria        1583-10-05      JP Japan          1918-12-18
 AU Australia      1752-09-02      LI Lithuania      1918-02-01
 BE Belgium        1582-12-14      LN Latin          9999-05-31
 BG Bulgaria       1916-03-18      LU Luxembourg     1582-12-14
 CA Canada         1752-09-02      LV Latvia         1918-02-01
 CH Switzerland    1655-02-28      NL Netherlands    1582-12-14
 CN China          1911-12-18      NO Norway         1700-02-18
 CZ Czech Republic 1584-01-06      PL Poland         1582-10-04
 DE Germany        1700-02-18      PT Portugal       1582-10-04
 DK Denmark        1700-02-18      RO Romania        1919-03-31
 ES Spain          1582-10-04      RU Russia         1918-01-31
 FI Finland        1753-02-17      SI Slovenia       1919-03-04
 FR France         1582-12-09      SE Sweden         1753-02-17
 GB United Kingdom 1752-09-02      TR Turkey         1926-12-18
 GR Greece         1924-03-09     *US United States  1752-09-02
 HU Hungary        1587-10-21      YU Yugoslavia     1919-03-04
 IS Iceland        1700-11-16
China, Albania, Bulgaria, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Japan, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Greece, Turkey (sorted chronologically) accepted Gregorian calendar in the 20th century. Turkey was the last republic adopted Gregorian calendar in this list. Ok. lets try to get the Turkey's official calendar on 1926. Type the command in the terminal.
ncal -s TR 1926

In Turkey, the year 1926 was ended on December 18th! Cool, eh? In Greece they turned to Gregorian system on 1924 March. Lets try the following command
ncal -s GR 3 1924
And now let's see the 1924 March official calendar of Greece.
    March 1924
Mo     4 24 31
Tu     5 25
We     6 26
Th     7 27
Fr  1  8 28
Sa  2  9 29
Su  3 23 30
They lost two weeks in that March. Scary, no? And the most interesting calendar is 9999. I don't know what is the relevance of this. Lets check with two commands.
ncal -s LN 9999
With this command we will get the normal calendar on that year.
ncal -s LN -j 9999
With this command we can just figure how many days were in that year.
tom@debian:~$ ncal -s LN 9999
    January           February          March             April
Mo  1  8 15 22 29        5 12 19 26        5 12 19 26        2  9 16 23 30
Tu  2  9 16 23 30        6 13 20 27        6 13 20 27        3 10 17 24
We  3 10 17 24 31        7 14 21 28        7 14 21 28        4 11 18 25
Th  4 11 18 25        1  8 15 22        1  8 15 22 29        5 12 19 26
Fr  5 12 19 26        2  9 16 23        2  9 16 23 30        6 13 20 27
Sa  6 13 20 27        3 10 17 24        3 10 17 24 31        7 14 21 28
Su  7 14 21 28        4 11 18 25        4 11 18 25        1  8 15 22 29
    May               June              July              August
Mo     7 14 21 28                                           16 23 30
Tu  1  8 15 22 29                                           17 24 31
We  2  9 16 23 30                                           18 25
Th  3 10 17 24 31                                           19 26
Fr  4 11 18 25                                           13 20 27
Sa  5 12 19 26                                           14 21 28
Su  6 13 20 27                                           15 22 29
    September         October           November          December
Mo     6 13 20 27        4 11 18 25     1  8 15 22 29        6 13 20 27
Tu     7 14 21 28        5 12 19 26     2  9 16 23 30        7 14 21 28
We  1  8 15 22 29        6 13 20 27     3 10 17 24        1  8 15 22 29
Th  2  9 16 23 30        7 14 21 28     4 11 18 25        2  9 16 23 30
Fr  3 10 17 24        1  8 15 22 29     5 12 19 26        3 10 17 24 31
Sa  4 11 18 25        2  9 16 23 30     6 13 20 27        4 11 18 25
Su  5 12 19 26        3 10 17 24 31     7 14 21 28        5 12 19 26
tom@debian:~$ ncal -s LN -j 9999
    January                 February                March
Mo   1   8  15  22  29          36  43  50  57          64  71  78  85
Tu   2   9  16  23  30          37  44  51  58          65  72  79  86
We   3  10  17  24  31          38  45  52  59          66  73  80  87
Th   4  11  18  25          32  39  46  53          60  67  74  81  88
Fr   5  12  19  26          33  40  47  54          61  68  75  82  89
Sa   6  13  20  27          34  41  48  55          62  69  76  83  90
Su   7  14  21  28          35  42  49  56          63  70  77  84
    April                   May                     June
Mo      92  99 106 113 120     127 134 141 148
Tu      93 100 107 114     121 128 135 142 149
We      94 101 108 115     122 129 136 143 150
Th      95 102 109 116     123 130 137 144 151
Fr      96 103 110 117     124 131 138 145
Sa      97 104 111 118     125 132 139 146
Su  91  98 105 112 119     126 133 140 147
    July                    August                  September
Mo                             155 162 169             176 183 190 197
Tu                             156 163 170             177 184 191 198
We                             157 164             171 178 185 192 199
Th                             158 165             172 179 186 193 200
Fr                         152 159 166             173 180 187 194
Sa                         153 160 167             174 181 188 195
Su                         154 161 168             175 182 189 196
    October                 November                December
Mo     204 211 218 225     232 239 246 253 260         267 274 281 288
Tu     205 212 219 226     233 240 247 254 261         268 275 282 289
We     206 213 220 227     234 241 248 255         262 269 276 283 290
Th     207 214 221 228     235 242 249 256         263 270 277 284 291
Fr 201 208 215 222 229     236 243 250 257         264 271 278 285 292
Sa 202 209 216 223 230     237 244 251 258         265 272 279 286
Su 203 210 217 224 231     238 245 252 259         266 273 280 287
So there is only 292 days in that year, 73 days will be lost. June, July months are not in the picture. And 12 days of August also missing. People who follow Latin Calendar goes to sleep on 9999 March 31 will be woke up on August 13! Anyway, I still do not have any idea about the Latin Calendar system. I think this calendar is the Julian calendar. But who follows it still, why does it switch on 9999 March 31 to Gregorian system? Maybe, Julian calendar will be abandoned on 9999 March 31. I searched lots of web pages regarding this, but from nowhere I got satisfactory results.
And finally do you want to have a glance of the code of ncal which is done in "C". Here is the link. All of us may be heard about Julian calendar and Gregorian calendar. But how many of us know the minute calculations based on that? Just figure how deep the rabbit hole goes!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

GIMP + Inkscape combo is awsome tools in graphic designing

For more than 3-4 years I was almost idle in graphic designing. Being a passionate art lover, I had done many personal stuff print based graphic designing. Occasionally I worked for some friends also. Those days I was an ardent fan of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, PageMaker etc. before getting into the GNU circle of thoughts. When turned into Free and Open Source (FOSS) tools, I gave up such proprietary software for my personal use. Its a painful feeling when giving up something which you liked most, after you realize there was an evil associated with it. Just like you realize that your lover has a wrong relation with someone you hate. It will take a long time to cop up with the situation.
So was I. I did nothing for 3-4 years. I could not even think on working with GIMP / Inkscape / Scribus etc. Finally in the last days of 2011, I decided to do something and started my self-training with Inkscape. The very first project was a family calendar. Since 2006 onwards, I used to design our family calendar with marked up birthdays and wedding anniversaries of my family members. All were designed with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. On 2009 when I stopped using proprietary software, the calendar project also discontinued. And after a long time, now I am doing the same thing with Free and Open Source alternative software. Started the project in the mid December 2011, I had only few days left to print the final output before the new year.
The maximum paper size my printer supports is 308x446 mm (A3 Express). That's why I chose the calendar size 151x146 mm. So that I will get twelve months in both sides of an A3 express sheet. With this size I can easily get 6x8 mm space for the cutting marks.
Fortunately Inkscape has a default script for making the base calendar. In the top menu you can choose it from Extensions > Render > Calendar. So easy, so simple - Thus the main part of the project was done in the first 5 minutes. The next thing is cropping photographs and other images and files. I had already shot some photographs of my little daughter Maria with my Cannon Powershot A3100 IS digital camera. All the images were taken in Black and White mode, because I really like the preset B&W tone in this camera. The photos were cropped in 15.1x5.013. The time-consuming part was marking the birthdays and anniversaries. All of the ingredients ready, I started cooking.
Just before Christmas, I got the final prints and it was so cute. The prints were taken in 300 GSM normal paper with no lamination and then bound with loop wire binding. I took 12 copies. The cost was just Rs. 76/- ($1.5 aprox.) per calendar.
Post script: You may don't believe, within two days I mastered the software - Inkscape. Truly nice and intuitive graphic software I have ever experienced. GIMP also was far more easy than I expected. The entire design experience was so thrilling. It energized me to stay tuned with Free Software. Just watch some of the png files I have done with these GPL licensed free software, and if you are interested, upon request, I am happy to share the editable svg files too.

Calendar designed with Inkscape and GIMP : Flap

Calendar designed with Inkscape and GIMP : January

Calendar designed with Inkscape and GIMP : February

Calendar designed with Inkscape and GIMP : March

Calendar designed with Inkscape and GIMP : April
I shot the image of Maria which I placed in April calendar, only with a candle light; there were no other ambient light sources. I woke up her in the midnight from the sleep and took the photo. (My mom scolded me enough to do this midnight madness :-) waking up a little kid and shoot her photo in a candle light). Just notice how I removed the candle light from the center area of the image. If you are photoshop user, you would say "Its easy guy", so do I tell you, "in GIMP also its too easy dude"

Calendar designed with Inkscape and GIMP : May

Calendar designed with Inkscape and GIMP : June

Calendar designed with Inkscape and GIMP : July

Calendar designed with Inkscape and GIMP : August

Calendar designed with Inkscape and GIMP : September

Calendar designed with Inkscape and GIMP : October

Calendar designed with Inkscape and GIMP : November

Calendar designed with Inkscape and GIMP : December

Friday, March 09, 2012

Manaveeyam Technologies launches Ubuntu powered Dell Laptops and Ubuntu Support

Kochi, India 29 February 2012: Ubuntu powered Dell Laptops with Manaveeyam’s advantage gives you an exciting laptop experience like never before. Laptops are now available to people and business from Manaveeyam Technologies at realistic prices. The range of laptops along with complete support delivers a fast, secure, compatible, accessible and sustainable computing. With over thousands of exciting applications, these laptops enable you to do more than what you do.
Current trends show a decrease in overall productivity due to vluable time being wasted on dealing with viruses and malware. Manaveeyam’s laptops are virus-resistant and lets the user work effectively without worrying about anti-virus solutions and formatting.
“Ubuntu’s founding principle is to remove the barriers of access to computing for everyone”, said Mark Shuttleworth, founder and product strategist at Canonical.
“The Ubuntu powered Dell laptop is a great-looking, easy-to-use, secured, virus-resistant, intuitive and helps you to stay connected and stay ahead of latest technology even on low resources. These laptops are great for social networking and email. Comes with the full featured office suite - LibreOffice, speedy and safe web browser - Firefox, with built-in-security. You can manage your photos, watch videos, listen to music, play games, video conferencing, learn from tons of educational software and many more...”
Full feature Ubuntu powered Dell laptops
The essential laptop for every day use, Dell i3/4GB/320GB is packed with full options at affordable price. The latest i3 performance processor, high on RAM with 4GB, large on storage with 320GB HDD, on-demand intel graphics performance, virus-resistant, powered by full feature Ubuntu Desktop with built-in-security, high portability with 2.2kg/ 2.37kg and an IT department for you with 1-Year In-Home Warranty with CompleteCover. The 14.0”/ 15.6” screen starting at Rs. 29,000.
The Manaveeyam Advantage
 The manaveeyam support lets you take complete control of computing. We provide a comprehensive and flexible support package, migration and training to people and business on Ubuntu certified hardware. We let customers take advantage and experience the best and the latest in open-source technology which lets them stay connected and stay ahead.

About Canonical
Canonical provides engineering, online and professional services to Ubuntu partners and customers worldwide. As the company behind the Ubuntu project, Canonical is committed to the production and support of Ubuntu – an ever-popular and fast-growing open-source operating system. It aims to ensure that Ubuntu is available to every organisation and individual on servers, desktops, laptops and netbooks. For more information, visit
Canonical partners with computer hardware manufacturers to certify Ubuntu, provides migration, deployment, support and training services to businesses, and offers online services direct to end users. Canonical also builds and maintains collaborative, open source development tools to ensure that organisations and individuals can participate fully in innovations within the open-source community. For more information, visit

About Dell India
Dell (NASDAQ: DELL) listens to customers and delivers innovative technology and services that give them the power to do more. Dell OEM Solutions helps its customers find more balance between execution and innovation with dedicated OEM resources, industry-standard hardware and global services and support capabilities. Dell helps its OEM customers improve their time to profit and run their operations more efficiently for increased competitive edge. For more information, visit

About Manaveeyam Technologies
Technology powered by Values! Manaveeyam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (MTPL) based in Kochi, India puts people first by delivering an affordable, sustainable, secured, easy-to-use green computing technology to people and business with creativity and innovations of the best of open-source community and companies. For more information, visit Call: Sameer (+91-9995717112), Mathew (+91-8086733733), Sreekanth (+91-9895181906), Manoj (+91-9847446918), Thomas (7736780769)
