
Saturday, March 21, 2009


Flash drives are just like whores

If you have a USB flash drive, just have some advice, especially if you are a Windows user. Because a flash drive may present you worst infections. It may steal your valuable system resources. It may cause other machines get infected.
Here is some rules to use USB Flash drives. I will write down one by one.

Rule 1.
Do not completely trust thy anti virus programme. Trust only a system restore.

Anti virus programme is actually designed for dummies. Not for experts. There are lots of anti virus vendors in the software world. Most virus programme codes and codes for such malwares are written by these companies. If you install an antiviurus, it will eat your valuable resources and memory. If you decide to avoid anti-virus, you must create a system restore point.

Rule 2.
Windows helps virus to play
The most ugliest feature of the Windows OS, is autoplay. When you insert a CD or DVD or a USB Flash drive, it plays an executable file plays automatically, if there is an autorun.inf file present. The file is being executed without your permission. Sometimes, you may not know if there is a file is being executed... So you have to remove such auto play mechanism.
Steps to disable autoplay mechanism
> start > run > gpedit.msc > computer configuration > Administrative templates > system > turn off autoplay
• enabled > turn off autoplay on • all drives
This will turn autoplay mechanism on all your removable drives. It will prevent opening of autorun.inf file commands. But the mounting of the flash drive will be done automatically.

Rule 3.

Do not double click in the removable disk icon.
Even if you disabled autoplay mechanism, you must not double click on any of the removable media drive icon. Just right-click and open only. When you double click on a removable drive, it means that you give permission to execute the autoplay. Unless you are sure, you must not double click on a removable drive icon. Only right-click and then open.

Rule 4.
If you doubt that your system is infected, try to remove it manually.
Try to find out which programme is running in the task manager. Search each and every programmes in google or your favourite search engines. If the task manager itself is not working, your system is almost damaged. In this point you can call for a system restore.
If the USB Flash drive contains some trojans in it, you can identify it easily. Just open the flash drive in cmd (Dos shell of Windows.)

There are some commands to check and remove the malware files.
1. dir/ah (to find hidden files): If there is hidden files are present, and the hidden files included in your flash drive without your knoledge and your permission, just delete it. But you have to remove the attributes of the hidden file first.
2. attrib filename.ext : This command shows the attributes of the unwanted file. If the file has SHR attributes you have to remove all attributes, only then you can delete the file
3. attrib -s -h -r filename.ext : This command removes all the attributes.
4. del filename.ext : delete the file from the disk

Friday, March 20, 2009

Just going to enter in the FreeBSD World

A couple of days, I wandered from sites to sites in the internet. After an hour or two, as always, I fell down in the subject - Open Source. This time I was searching for Unix evolution and finally I reached in the FreeBSD project. I called Saju, my Linux guru, and he told me that bsd is fine, but hard to manage. Almost all experts in the internet say the same opinion. Considering the comparison between Debian and Freebsd, most system administrators conclude that Debian is better in management.
But I always loved the bsd devil. I love its horns... I started download from the official torrentz link. And I am planning to experiment it with a free 10 GB Hdd which is now using as a backup disk. I have also created a sticker for the DVD just exactly as shown in their website. If you want to download it, here is the link.
